Our Scholarship Waitlist

When people inquire about a Scholarship for long-term residential treatment, we follow this process: First, we help them determine if they qualify for funding for treatment elsewhere. (For example, perhaps their insurance will fund them to go to a different treatment...


Effective September 9, 2021 Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are making the following adjustments to our programs effective immediately. These changes come in light of ten days without anyone in our facilities testing positive for COVID-19. We continue to test...
Our Outpatient offices have moved!

Our Outpatient offices have moved!

Important update! Our outpatient offices are now located at 2900 Golfside Road Ste. #3-4 Ann Arbor, MI 48108. This new location is more centrally located between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor and falls conveniently on a bus line. We are always looking for ways to provide...